North Carolina Babies

family vent

Nic's school/daycare is closing for a week in anticipation for "back to school" so this leaves DH and I with no one in the area to watch Nicolas and us having to figure out if we take off the time.  So I thought that since my mom is currently unemployed and only 4 hours away she could come up and take care of Nic.  I thought wrong.  She doesn't want to drive b/c she doesn't trust her car, ok then take the train.  Nope, no train b/c then how is she going to get around.  Ok let me try to rent a car for you.  Nope, the car rental is too expensive (we would be paying for the rental and train ride). My mom offered to keep him but in her house in Miami but I don't want to leave him for another week.  I think she doesn't want to stay couped up all week (understandable) and if she is in Miami then she gets help from my Dad and my aunts. 

I think we are going to see if anyone in his daycare is going to keep kids in their homes that week or we are going to alternate and take time off. 

Sorry this is so long but I'm frustrated.

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