January 2012 Moms

I can't tell if this is heartburn... LOL

I mean, my heart is kinda burning... so I know from that description alone it sounds like GERD, or heartburn.  But it doesn't feel like normal heart burn to me.

Okay so here's my weird symptom.....it doesn't hurt but it's really uncomfortable.  It feels like a little bit of pressure over my heart.  And my esophagus feels kinda funny, like I can't seem to swallow right.  Or feeling like I need to burp but can't.

I had some onions and pepsi max with dinner tonight, two that I know are major offenders for heartburn.  But I took some of my Rx pepcid 2 hours ago and the feeling is back! 

Anyone else have this symptom?  I figure it's probably just bad heartburn but it feels different than the heartburn I've had in the past more commonly. TIA!

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