January 2012 Moms

I hate being told I don't look preg

I spent a lot of time and effort losing weight and getting into shape after DD and upon getting pregnant with this LO I was in the best shape of my life.  We went and saw some old friends last night that I've known for over 10 years and all I heard all night was, "wow, you really don't look 4 months pregnant!". 

I'm trying to take it as a testament to all of the work I did in losing weight but I really can't believe that I barely barely look pregnant and we're far enough along to find out the sex of the baby....  I remember being a lot bigger with my DD (obviously b/c I was carrying around extra weight at that time) but even my co-workers or friends who are pregnant look way more pregnant than me (no matter when their EDD).

I just wish I looked pregnant already....

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