Single Parents


Ex used to be a big part of Drake's life. He had him EOW from when he was 3 months until he was 1. He started watching him again in February 1 of the 2 nights a weekend that I had to work and my parents would watch him the other. He would never watch him all weekend because he had to leave one night to party. That only lasted until the end of May, and he hasn't had him overnight since. The only time he ever sees him is if the ladies at his work call and ask me to bring him by so they can see him.

The other day I asked if he could watch him for me 1 night this weekend. He said he couldn't because he was going to be out of town an hour away. I was mad of course but whatever his loss. Well come to find out, he wasn't where he said he was, but actually 2 hours away at a girls daughters first birthday party meeting her for the first time and spending the weekend with them. It makes me so mad that he would rather spend time with them than his own son. I ask him to watch him constantly and he always has an excuse why he can't but then he has no problem spending time with someone else's kid.

I texted him and told him that we needed to get everything with Drake figured out. Since at this point I have no idea how much involvement he is going to have in his life, I want to get his last name changed to mine so I'm going to hope he will be okay with it. It's never bothered me before, but now that he has minimal involvement it's starting to get to me. So what do you ladies think?

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