Upstate NY Babies

Gallbladder issues?

Warning, slightly TMI- sorry!

Last night we went to the Eden corn fest where I ate a few *cough* deep fried pickle slices *cough*, some clams (which I dipped in hot sauce & butter) & an ear of corn drenched in butter. Not a healthy meal at all. I had the worst stomach cramps on the 45 minute ride home & pretty much spent 2 hours in the bathroom once we got home and I just felt very off until mid-morning today.
Today we had a family reunion so I ate some not so healthy foods again, but nothing out of the ordinary really. I am having such horrible cramps on my right side & they are radiating up my back to my neck. I feel like I need to use the bathroom but nothing happens (sorry this is way TMI!!!) I feel very bloated & gross, but I really didn't eat very much. I didn't even eat a whole cookie for dessert!

Does this sound like a gallbladder issue or did I just shock my system with more junk than usual 2 days in a row? 

Charlie 11.01.07 ~ Paul 05.07.10 ~ Annaliese 02.24.12
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