Single Parents

Should i leave him?

i'm due in september, my FI and i both live with my parents in their remodled basement. Its not like FI can't afford an apartment, its that he doesn't want to. I don't mind cooking and cleaning, but it would be nice to have some help once in a while.

I ask FI all the time to just help me pick up little things, or just to feed our cat before he leaves for work in the morning. No matter what i do, he won't do anything to help me out.

My parents are getting sick of him being here because he doesnt pay them to live here, and doesn't do anything to help them either.

 I've been trying to talk him into getting the baby insurance, since he doesn't have much of anything else to pay for since he's living for free. and considering he works 1 FT job, and 1 PT for which he gets paid under the table. But no matter what i do, he just gets mad and won't do it anyways.

Should i just give up in trying to get him to help out? This has been going on for a year and a half if not longer. I don't want our son to see me like this because i know stressing out like this is not healthy for me or the baby.

I've done everything i can think of. i've threatened him, i've tried to be nice about it, i've argued about it, and i've shut up and just not said anything to him about it. i have no idea what to do anymore. please help

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