Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Still fat so might as well get pregnant again..

i am so disapointed in myself. I am still carrying 15 pounds of baby weight. My goal was to lose that by the time we tried for baby #2.  Well, we are going to start trying this fall and I am still so fat.  I just cant lose it.

I wanted so badly to have this weight off me for many reasons.....for my health and new baby's health, so i could look good while pregnant and not start out already fat, and be in better physical shape to keep up with a toddler while pregnant.

so..i am sitting here hungry and trying so hard to stick to a heathly diet but i feel like saying "whats the point of losing it if your just gonna get fat and pregnant again anyway"

Uh...I hate myself right now. i wish i had more self control.


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