Babies: 9 - 12 Months


All these parents keep telling me that their kids are 18 months apart and it is perfect.  Or if their kids are more than 18 months apart, they say they WISH they were closer in age.  Well Z and this new baby will be 19 months apart. 

The past 3 days I have been sick to my stomach, exhausted and peeing in the middle of the night.  So I thought back to 1st tri when all the girls kept saying "If you're pregnant enough to have symptoms, you're pregnant enough to get a BFP".  So this morning I POAS 5 days before my period is due.  That test was clear as a bell.  Here comes Baby #2!! (and we have custody of my stepson, so there will be 3 children in my house.  eeek!)

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker My birthson who came before I was ready. He doesn't call me mom but I love him just the same. ~7/10/99~
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