Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

intro/what to expect

Hello ladies,

First off, I hate that I'm joining you and am sorry for your loss(es). I'm hoping you can help me figure some things out. First a bit of background: last weekend I was having some brown spotting and I woke up this Wednesday to full on bleeding. I went to see my Dr. that day. I was 6w4d. The ultrasound revealed only a gestational sac. We also did some blood work and she called yesterday with that info. My progesterone level was 2.2 (she said anything less than 5 is not considered a viable pregnancy) and my hcg was 400ish. As a result of these numbers, she said I am having/will have a miscarriage. She wants me to come back in on Monday for more blood work. 

So my question is what happens now? I have been bleeding consistently (about as much as a regular period?) since Wednesday.  I had horrible lower back pain all day Wednesday, but that has mostly subsided. Should I just expect more bleeding or will there be an actual "active" miscarriage?

Ugh. Everything about this sucks. This was our first and I'm just feeling like zombie.

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