January 2012 Moms

AW: Appointment/Scheduled a/s

I was super excited about my appointment yesterday...I knew they would schedule my anatomy scan and I have been bouncing off the walls to find out when they were going to schedule me!

LO still had a high heart rate at 165 (Previously 170 and 173)

.....and my a/s was scheduled for August 22!!  She wanted to schedule me for 18 weeks and since we are at the beach from Wednesday-Saturday that week I will get it on Monday.  I was so flippin excited that I didn't have to wait but 2.5 more weeks.  That is so manageable. Its so hard bringing up the end of the month...every day when I see someone else announce, I get even more anxious! Wahoo!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!

Favorite thing about fall...Florida Football!

What's cookin'? BFP: May 16, 2011 DD born January 19, 2012 | Chart BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary imageBabyName Ticker

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