Single Parents

Upset over something petty

My situation is kind of weird I guess, because I am still really close with STBX's family, especially my SIL (married to STBX's brother) and also my MIL. STBX pretty much drops off of the face of the earth and has minimal contact with his family for weeks/months at a time, so I still spend time with them and he is not around.

So next weekend I had planned to go to a water park with a bunch of his family and some of my SIL's other friends and their kids. Well MIL texted me tonight to say that now STBX is going.

I'm so annoyed because of course I don't want to go now, but I'm not completely comfortable letting DS go without me, and it will be his first time going here. Part of me wants to say that and not let DS go, but that will only hurt him, plus since it's my decision not to go I don't feel like I can. And I know his family is capable of caring for him there, and if it was my family I wouldn't even think twice about letting him.

I'm just really irritated that STBX just gets to show up and be there for all the fun stuff whenever he feels like it. The last time he was really around was DS's birthday which was mid-June.

WWYD? I know the right answer is probably to go anyway and be civil. But it sucks being the bigger person sometimes. 

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