Babies: 9 - 12 Months

You guys might appreciate this.

Or not. I never know.

MIL was over the other day and we started talking about RF and FF. I told her the new law is RF until 2 years old. And her response was "yeah, but thats one of those things you can do or not"

I corrected her, but it's nice to know what her view of "law" is. 

ETA: i have been corrected that it is not a law. Now i feel bad. But i just assumed that it was from reading all of the uproar about people FF their LOs before 2 years. But, yes, I will still RF DS until 2 years. You know, safety issues and such.

flight photo flight_zpsa49d4a0f.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker TickerI'm a -retired- bronze super member Hi, I'm Dave's wife...
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