Babies: 9 - 12 Months

bike trailer question

my mom just got us the baby jogger switchback jogging stroller/bike trailer! I'm so excited to begin using this..  I do have one question though .  If you have baby in there using it as a bike trailer, do they wear helmets?  It is an enclosed type trailer...and if so how do you keep a helmet on a baby lol?  He has the worst temper and a super stubborn streak at times :)   I'm not worried about finding a helmet that fits as he is a big guy with a large head hahah.   I will be using it a lot as a jogging stroller, but dh is eager to use it for the bike.    I know they say 12+ months, do you know if that is mostly for size (he's about 25 lbs and 30 inches tall) or for developmental reasons?
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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2 years...2 losses...1 ivf and we now are loving our little man IVF #1 1/10-transfered 2 blasts- DS born 10/2010 FET#2 8/12-Transferred 2 blasts- bfn (unsure what to do from here)
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