Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Talk to me about store brands

Gah, I'm getting cheap.  DH and I are trying to save for so many different things at once and well, I just like keeping my money.  I have gotten better at:

Meal planning, buying in bulk, couponing, cutting out unnecessary monthly bills, sticking to a budget, identifying unexpected budget drainers (lol trips to stock up on wine anyone?).

I do not buy store brands, I am kind of a snob.  I was just lurking on P&CE and they were talking laundry detergent, and the Kirkland brand came up.  I'm not about to shell out for a huge vat of detergent before I know that I will like it, but I'm curious...

What store-brand products do you find to still be of good quality?  Which ones are not worth it?


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