January 2012 Moms

Advice needed: Too involved person (long)

Tomorrow I have a "get together" with a family member that is trying to get too involved.  She and I don't have much of a relationship (which is a big improvement over our terrible relationship we have had most of the last 5 years).
One reason we don't get along, other than the fact we are very different and have nothing in common, is that she doesn't respect DH & my boundaries, frequently inappropriately inserts herself into situations, and makes things about herself.

I haven't seen her since we spent July 4th weekend vacationing with her and 10 of her closest family friends, but during that weekend she cornered me a few times in a public setting and asked me really personal questions about my pregnancy.  Since then she has called and texted multiple times to "catch up" and ask more uncomfortable questions including something to the effect of "I know you were worried about losing the baby for a while, but you think it will live now, right?"

I'm not trying to shut her out, but I'm not a public person and I don't like small talk.  I don't know how I am going to get through our visit tomorrow.  I have at least convinced her that it will be better to go over to her house since I have workman (ok they are outside Embarrassed) here which will let me leave when I want to.  She wanted to sit in the to-be-nursury to visit here.  Sigh.

If you made it this far, you're amazing, thank you! 

So, any suggestions on how to not hurt her feelings?  Or am I being completely ridiculous?

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