January 2012 Moms

YAY! A/S finally scheduled!

I know we're probably all getting sick of seeing this, but I'm so excited! I felt like I'd never get the A/S scheduled!!! 9/2 at 8:20 we'll get to see our LO again, make sure everything is looking okay and hopefully find out what we're having!

I also go back in a week or so to get my blood drawn for the MSAFP to check for spina bifida.  I figured why not.

And looks like I'll be seeing the docs every 2 weeks because of my GD.... boo!  I've also been referred to see a MFM specialist because of my LEEP procedure a few years ago.  He just wanted me to see a high risk doc so they can determine my risk of preterm labor, etc.  I'm suprised they're just now mentioning this.

Good thing I work in the hospital where all my appointments are!

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