January 2012 Moms

s/o Not feeling social/facebook effect

I loved the comment in that post regarding the 'facebook effect' and thought I would pass along what I've learned over the past couple years.  Same as you..I would see all these people so happy and in love with their newborn, doing all these fun activities and seeming to have such an easy time with new motherhood.

Then I realized that if you looked at my facebook and saw the happy pics of me and my family you would have thought the same thing.  Plus I lost all my weight right away, and so many people commented on that as well. In reality I was battling PPAnxiety and couldn't keep any food down (fyi puking daily is a great way to lose the weight...but I wouldn't suggest it!), that's why I was so small. And of course I only took pictures when I was feeling well.

So remember, just because someone's life looks perfect...they have tough days too, and you are not any different!  Also, it's hard to be sociable when you aren't feeling well, but do your best to get some activity in, even if it's just a walk in the evening...getting moving is the best way to feel better!

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Lyla Margaret , June 7, 2009 Tavis Tutty, January 5, 2012
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