January 2012 Moms

Just not feeling social

My husband gave me a hard time tonight about not being social since being pregnant. I have a friend who I knew from college move close by right after I got my BFP and she has a little one. She's invited me over a bunch especially since my husband travels a lot for work. But honestly, I have had a rough first (almost half) of my pregnancy. He says that I'm not making an effort with her because I don't go over there as often as invited.

But between feeling sick from morning sickness, having extreme pain from my fibroids and being exhausted, I don't feel up to it. Her little boy is adorable but at a rambunctious age so it's hard to deal with. Some other friends have invited me to things too but I just don't feel like being social right now. 

I don't feel good, or feel cute. I don't fit in anything, I'm always exhausted and I'm uncomfortable/in pain most of the time...I got all teary tell this to my hubby. I wish I was having a happy go luck, easy (enjoyable) pregnancy like so many of these people that I've seen on FB. But I'm not, I honestly am not enjoying it and I feel terrible about that.

Check out our blog of Sofia's progress... www.FisforFam.blogspot.com Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image Visit The Nest! image
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