Babies: 9 - 12 Months

DH was fired :(

DH was fired from his bank managment position the other day. I just can't believe it. It was for a VERY VERY stupid reason. We've been working on his resume & it was sad when I went through his portfolio & it's award, after award, after award. He's such a hard worker & this is the first "bump" he's ever had at work. I can't believe they are giving up such a great employee. He's borderline workaholic & lives through his company. I'm just in shock. F them!! He will be a great asset to another bank. I'm not worried about us so much. We have enough money saved to get us by for about a year, so we are good there. I'm a teacher so I'm now totally motivated to go back to work and kick a$$!! I just feel so bad for him. This will only make us stronger!!!!!
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