January 2012 Moms

Whats your birth story (stolen from other board)

One of the ladies on my home board had a friend that had a baby that was 12lbs 12oz. So in honor of that, what is your birth story?

How big were you? 


Vaginal or c-section? 

Any complications? 

Birthdate? Time? 

Birth order?

Did your parent(s) have help when you came home from the hospital? 

Any other funny/touching/interesting stories or info about your birth? 

<*>My Blog<*> Updated Sept. 20 My BFP Chart
Started TTC July 2010 ~ Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism April 2011 ~ BFP 5.10.11 EDD 1.16.12
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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