January 2012 Moms

AW Baby measuring ahead?

So I called my second doctor again. She must think I am nuts lol. (I also apparently have 2 doctors due to my higher risk pregnancy). 

I realized she never told me how this baby was measuring. I know when I Oed because I charted.

I should have been 13 weeks and 2 days but the baby was measuring 14 weeks! Grow baby grow. This makes me feel better even though she said most of the time they would not see a growth retardation until later in the second tri, this was still a relief to me. It was not measuring too far ahead (although I have never heard of this being bad) and not far behind either.

Call me crazy but I am grasping at this with all my might! lol 

Photobucket BabyFetus Ticker BabyName Ticker
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