January 2012 Moms

WDYT of this?

One of my husband?s best friends recently got engaged. Before the engagement even happened, the guys were saying they want to go to Vegas for the bachelor party. The wedding is scheduled for April 28, so I?m assuming the trip will be a few weeks before that. LO will be around 8-10 weeks old.

Normally, I don?t think I?d care, but DH will be going to Vegas AGAIN in May for work. However, he still has to pay to go (a conference) so it?s not like one trip is paid for. It?s optional but everyone in his office goes every year.

I say he should choose one trip?that?s it. He seems to be of mind that two is in order. I already told him my feelings about it, but it?s kind of pointless to discuss something that isn?t completely set it stone yet.

We?re 33 and 36, so it?s almost like?enough with the bachelor parties already, seriously. I also think having a brand new baby is more of a priority than an extra trip to Vegas. Many of this guy's friends have kids and babies...why not plan something close to home and be a little more realistic?

If this were you, how would you feel about it?

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