Babies: 9 - 12 Months

DH has an interview today!

My DH works incredibly hard at a job that he can't stand. (You would never know that he hates his job if you saw him in action. Even though he doesn't like where he's working, he still treats his co-workers and customers with total respect and consideration. He makes me so freakin' proud about that.) Last week, he had 2 interviews for 2 different companies (1 of the companies is where I work, but just in a different department). Today is his follow-up interview to 1 company, he has a follow-up interview for MY company on Friday.

Any T&Ps would be sooooo appreciated. Not only would the $$, hours, benefits be better at either one of these locations, it would boost my DH's feelings of success, since he will be able to actually put his degree to good use (even if these jobs are not in the exact degree field. He got his degree in film). Plus, if he gets the job in my company, we can sneak off and make out on our breaks. J/k, or am I?!?!?! 

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