January 2012 Moms

Don't think I've felt mov't yet...

Hi y'all --

So today I'm 18 weeks, and I keep reading about all you lucky ladies who are feeling movement at 15, 16, 17 weeks...

I woke up this morning feeling really paranoid.  Why am I not feeling anything yet?!

I am not overly fluffy, only gained about 8 lbs so far.  I have no idea where my placenta is, so maybe it's anterior and that is affecting it.  I feel gas and hunger pangs and little cramps when I sneeze or move too quickly or something like that, but I really haven't had anything that seems like I could safely classify it as "movement".

(Keep in mind too that I'm PGaL, so I know I am overly sensitive and paranoid and worst-case-scenario a lot of the time.)

My anatomy scan is a week from tomorrow, and oh my gosh it cannot get here FAST ENOUGH!! 

Anybody else still haven't felt anything yet?  How are you dealing with it?  People who are feeling stuff, anything special I should eat or position I should lie in to up my chances?

PS  I'm a nurse, and there are Dopplers all over this hospital, and all I wanna do is grab one and see what I find, but then again I've never done that before and if I couldn't find anything then I'd REALLY freak out... so I won't even go there.  TEMPTING though!!

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