Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Working mom's, what do your evenings look like?

I feel like the evenings are such a marathon, I want to fit in an evening walk to the park with J, but not sure if there is time.

I pick him up at 5 and am home by 5:30.

He wants to play the first few minutes we home so between 5:30 and 6 I let the dogs out, feed them, play with J and vacuum the living room (with 2 dogs and a cat I have to vacuum everyday).

At 6pm sharp J is ready for dinner.  I've tried giving him a snack to tide him over so that I will have time to cook dinner for everyone and eat around 6:30, but it doesn't seem to matter , he wants his full meal.

So I feed him purees and then give him finger foods (usually fruit) while I whip up something for DH and I.

After dinner it is straight to the bath because he is head to toe nasty.

at 7 it is time for J's bottle.  doesn't matter when he ate, or how long it took him to eat, he wants a bottle at 7.

That bottle he eats on until goes to sleep. Some nights it is right away, some nights it isn't until 8.

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