February 2011 Moms

STTN regression? (long)

I also posted this on the 3-6 months board:

DS will be 6 mos next week. He has been STTN consistantly since about 3.5 mos old. For the last 2 nights, he is waking up around 3 or 4 am. He just cut a tooth a week ago, so I'm not sure if that's it, but the only thing that will comfort him is a bottle. ( I will try to soothe in other ways first). He is a great eater during the day (with the exception of being distracted alot lately but he will eventually finish) and even gets 2 meals of solids and a baby mum mum while he 'practices' with his sippy cup 1-2 times a day. I recently stopped BFing due to bottoming out, but he has been slowing getting more and more formula anyways since my supply had declined. Yesterday, I decided to try and increase his bottles during the day in case he really was hungry during the night (i wasn't convinced, but just wanted to make sure i didn't miss something). But he still only took his usual 8 oz. (he gets four 8 oz bottles and the occasional 'nite cap' of 3 oz, but only if he is being extremely difficult w/bedtime--he's one of those tired, but fighter sleepers lol) Should I try giving him an extra bottle? Maybe adding another solids feeding? More snacks such as the gerber puffs? I'm at a loss. We don't see the pedi for another 2 weeks, so if this continues I will be calling. I thought I'd try to boards first though in case someone has any experience/advice. Sorry for being sooo long winded! ;-) TIA!

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