January 2012 Moms

No one should feel this way... (LONG)

I am a regular poster and member of January 2012 Moms but wanted to keep my identity anon. for my own reasons. No this is not MUD. No I am not trolling. I am seriously in need of some advice, support, and any thoughts and prayers that can be sent my way for this to all end up ok. I don't really have anyone to reach out to in my own life, as I have very few friends and tend to be a little on the withdrawn and reserved side and you all have been so sweet in the last few months I thought this might be a good place to post and vent...

I have now been crying for over 7 hours. I am in pain from head to toe and am starting to worry that my LO is ok in there. I am upset to the point of vomitting. and while I know I need to eat and drink and can't seem to choke anything down. I am normally very rational and easy going but I just can't get a grip :(

My child's father an I broke up a few months before this baby was conceived. We were together for 3 years and he was my best friend, my everything. Our break up had nothing to do with us, but external forces in his life and his feeling like being with me was not what "his duty called for". He has a child from a previous relationship when he was a teenager, and has had a VERY rough go with that. The Mother is from what I know unstable at best and he has been supporting her since their daughter was born. She has two other children who's father's are unknown and he takes care of them as well as his own. 

After we broke up we remained friends - well truthfully the "break up" was a bit of a sham as everything remained the same. This LO was a big surprise and while I have always wanted to be a mother and am truly greatful for the chance, I know that this is completely devastating for him and that he is terrifed of a repeat of the last one.

We spent hours on the phone today trying to figure out how to proceed. He just keep saying he can't do this, over and over. He has no attachment to the baby, and although he came to the 12 week u/s and saw him, hear the heart beat, etc. he just sat there shaking his head the whole time like he wished it wasn't happening. I asked him today if he would be attending anymore appointments and he said he didn't want to, and didn't see how his being there physically and not emotionally would help me any. I asked if he would be at the delivery and he said if I needed him to be there he would, but he didn't know that he would feel any differently about the child when it came out - and I'm starting to think that he won't. There's no emotion there what so ever when it comes to myself or the baby. He seems like he could care less what happens to either of us and I just don't know how to deal with this all at the same time. I'm losing my best friend, I'm pregnant and my poor, sweet and innocent child is being brought into the world to a parent who doesn't love or want him. How is it that he could step up at 18 and raise a beautiful daughter, 13 years later take on two children who don't belong to him as if they were his own and then deny his own child the love of a father??!?! Why is still willing to support this woman who has literally put him through hell and yet he is unwilling to provide emotional support to me, or stay on the phone when I start crying. I honestly don't and have never asked him for much. I have given him all of the patience I can possibly muster, but I need him to come to some conclusion as to if he will be in this child's life or not so that I can start coming up with a game plan.

He has not told his family about the child, and does not seem to want them to know. This means that I will have a baby, with a sister that he will never know, uncles/aunts and cousins that he will never know and a grandmother that he will never know. To compound things the baby is mixed race and I worry that he will wonder why he doesn't look like any of the blonde haired/light eyed people in his family and will wonder where he comes from/why he doesn't "fit in".

Ugh, I don't know what to do, where to turn or how to even begin to absorb all of this. I feel like my baby is going to be put at such a disadvantage right from the start and seriously question how I can possibly be a good mother to him when I am such a mess. :'(


Edit to add: if you actually made it through all that, thank you so much for taking the time to read/care! Sorry for posting such a long, depressing post.


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