Babies: 9 - 12 Months


I am in Ferberizing H3LL!  It's only day 2 and my nerves are shot! 

I always put them down drowsy and had great sleepers until J started waking in the middle of the night and I was too exhausted to deal with I would just hold hime until he went to sleep:(  This went on for a few months....HUGE mistake!  This is why he needs sleep training....he lost his ability to self soothe...due to me!

 I guess I just need some reassurance that I am doing this right....b/c everytime I check on him he just seems to escalate and get more upset....breaking mommy's heart:(

I am putting him down at his regular naptime/bedtime and checking on him in 10 minutes...then I check back on him 10+3 min the second time...and add 3 minutes to each time...

When I check on him...I don't make eye contact...I lay him down (he is usually standing up)...give him his paci and tell him I love him, that he's ok,  and that I will check back on him in a while.

 What am I doing wrong??? Am I just too impatient?  I feel like I am torturing my entire family!  No wonder most parents can't follow through with fact, I am embarrassed to admit to some that I am doing it this way.  Please share your experiences. TIA

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