Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Not Drinking Bottles at Daycare! (long)

I'm mostly asking if other parents have experienced the same thing...

My 11 month old has almost completely stopped drinking bottles or sippy cups while at daycare. For the last month, every time I go to pick him up he's only had 1/2 an ounce for the WHOLE day. This means of course that our daycare is dumping out 12+ oz of BM (a tragedy I haven't yet come to grips with).

He eats his food like a champ - it seems like too much to me (6-8 oz a meal) but he keeps opening his mouth so we keep giving it to him. 

I've tried everything - warm bottles, cold bottles, sippy cups, I even tried formula in case it was my milk he didn't like...but nothing seems to make a difference.

Before you ask, I've already checked with our pediatrician and our son is gaining weight just fine and is happy and healthy!

Is anyone else experiencing this? Tell me it passes. I was getting ready to start weaning but now I'm too afraid to cut his morning and evening nursing sessions. Any tips?

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