January 2012 Moms

I flipped out on DH lastnight

Lastnight DH was taking the trash out and I asked him if he could throw a couple bananas away that had gotten too brown. He said "I already got them and btw, I added those apples with it."

I've been eating apples w/ pb for snacks and the apples were perfectly fine! I kinda flipped out on him. I didn't yell or anything but I kept saying "why would you do that???" and "you didn't even ask me first???" and I was almost in tears over it!

He just kept saying that he didn't think I was eating them. (as he's staring wide-eyed at this crazy person that looks like his wife but is possessed by the hormone demon)

So far that's the closest I've come to a melt down over stupid stuff. Any of you have any stories like that?

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