Upstate NY Babies

Scared of the dark?

We have had a couple of rough nights, which is VERY unusual.  On Saturday night DD woke up crying at 11:30.  I went in and tried to shush her but she wouldn't even lay back down.  I checked her diaper and it felt very wet so I changed her w/o ever turning a light on and just set the diaper on her changing table.  MOM FAIL ALERT: Another hour into our ordeal I turned the light on to find out that she had actually pooped so I changed her again.  I tried rocking her and she was just wiggling around, it was hard to keep her on my lap b/c of my belly.  Each time I tried putting her back in her crib she would kick and scream/cry.  I finally had to leave her there and let her CIO.  She finally fell back asleep after about 15 minutes, 2.5 hours after her initial wake up.

Then last night (this morning) she woke up at 3:45 and still wouldn't lay back down, it's like she was scared of her crib.  She was back out after 10 minutes this time around but I never fell back to sleep before having to get up at 5:15. 

I think that with her waking up, which like I said is very unusual, she's realizing that it's dark and she's scared.  I'm going to pick up a nightlight to put in her room and put new batteries in her seahorse.  Has anyone had experience with this fear?

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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