Babies: 9 - 12 Months

My LOs strange addiction

He eats paper! He loves it. I had been letting him play with rolled up paper. He liked the noise and it entertained him, so I figured there was no harm. Then on Friday, he pooped cardboard! I had never seen him actually chew any paper, but it was pretty unmistakable by the contents of his diaper, that somewhere he had managed to ingest paper. So I rearranged the office, and went through the whole house making sure there was no paper he could get to. Then today he chewed all the corners of one of his board books! Does anyone elses LO do this? I'm not sure if ingesting paper falls into the normal realm of things babies get themselves into, or if this could be seriously dangerous. He is so driven to get paper into his mouth. He even tries to grab the babywipes out of my hand. Maybe it means he needs fiber? I will ask the pedi when I see her this coming week, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this.
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