Upstate NY Babies

Awesome timing

So Rosie has had a stuffy nose today, and she just said her ear hurts.  The good news is that at 38 weeks pregnant not much is going on- no contractions or anything like that, so I don't think I'm going to go into labor anytime soon.  Plus I'm not doing anything to encourage labor until my mom is here in a week.  So hopefully she'll get over whatever she has by the time the baby comes home.

But dang, seriously?  I'm not really worried about Rosie, I'm sure she'll be fine even if it's an ear infection.  But the prospect of having a newborn around a sick kid is really frightening to me.  How do you moms deal with having a sick older kid and a baby at home?  I just want to curl up in a ball thinking about it. 

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