Babies: 9 - 12 Months

??Re putting children to sleep at other people's houses??

Hello Ladies.  I am looking for some feedback here.  Before Cole was born my DH & I both liked the idea of being able to put LO to bed at a friend/family member's home if we were socializing and then transfer him to the car and then back to bed at home when it is time to leave. We did this with the baby bucket but now that Lo is in the convertible car seat it would be  a lot of shifting him around and we can't get him out of the car without waking him up. I thought this idea was more appropriate with an older child, maybe around 2 years old,  but my husband wants to being doing this now so we can stay later at gatherings.  Does anyone do this currently?  How does it work for you?  LO is a great sleeper as long as we keep him in a bit of a routine.. and I am nervous to mess with this too much.  My husband thinks that we should be starting this now so that would be smoother if we wanted to do this with more than one child.  Does anyone have multiple children and put them to be while you are visiting and then transport them home when you are ready to leave? Any I being silly about thinking this is not a great idea?
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