January 2012 Moms

Work Vent (NBR)

I'm so sick of my job.  I've been waitressing bc they needed help (sort of friends) and I needed money.  So they waited until today to put up the schedule for next week (which includes tomorrow).  A few weeks ago, I said I would work a Sunday to get an extra shift...somehow that has turned into me working every Sunday.  I really didn't want to work this Sunday or any Sunday.  I like going to church.  I like staying home that day.  (With any job.)  So the schedule goes up...and I'm supposed to work tomorrow.  I tell the boss...I can't bc I can't find a babysitter with that short notice.  He says...they will watch M.  I don't want them to watch M.  I dont' want to work.  I feel like I can't say that though.  I have childcare 5 days a week and they know it.  They don't schedule me those days though, so M goes to daycare one day a week and his uncle watches him at least one day a week, but I don't want him to have to watch him on Sundays, just bc they want me to work.  This is crap.  OH and Saturday and SUnday mornings are the busiest days and they haven't been giving me any help, no hostess, no 2nd waitress, nothing...at least a hostess ppl....come on.  This is crap.  ANd today the vent in the kitchen hoods didn't work, so the restuarant filled with smoke whenever we had to use the grill...great working conditions ppl, you suck.  Ok...end vent...sorry.
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