January 2012 Moms

I think the hormones got to me today

I went in to use a gift card I recently received at Motherhood Maternity today. I walked around the store and really had a hard time finding something I liked. The sales associate was very sweet and really wanted to help but also said if I'm having a hard time just try some stuff on and come back after Ive had some time to think about it.

I finally found something, checked out and started CRYING. WTH! Not a couple tears,  but ugly cryface-big fat teary-red eyed crying. I am not a cryer and definitely not in the middle of a busy store! I grabbed my bag and ran out. I had no control. I cant even pinpoint what set me off because nothing happened! I'm laughing about it now but at the time I was pretty mortified.

So I dont feel like Im the only cray-cray out there, have you broke down recently for something silly...or nothing at all like me?

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