Babies: 9 - 12 Months

MIL knows best? another Long one.

I recently posted about DS being an eating machine- he'll basically shovel anything you put in front of him in his mouth and demolish it in 2 minutes. I have to tell DS "no more, all done" after he has had PLENTY. He is in the 50th percentile for weight and 60th for weight to height ratio. So, I'm definitely not starving him.

 MIL was watching him the other day. I gave her a couple fruit pouches so she could choose which ONE she wanted to give him. I gave her some formula and puffs, the basics. She was only watching him for about 2 hours. When i came to pick him up his belly was huge. I commented on it and she said "well you know, he just gobbles everything up SO fast." She gave him both fruit pouches (3.5oz ea) the entire little container of puffs. & she said "He ate a bowl of rice cereal & a WHOLE bottle too!" and she was so proud. and that is an 8oz bottle. & i have seen her bowls of rice cereal she makes-they're about 4 tablespoons. I give you a reserve serving for a reason woman!!

It's not like she hasn't seen me feed DS before. She always acts like I'm starving him. He is MY baby, i don't want him to be obese like DH was when he was 1yr old! (seriously, I've seen pictures) I should confiscate her rice cereal and formula she keeps at her house.

DS was so uncomfortable & cranky that night. I was so mad. 

Thanks for reading my novel. 

ETA: DH and I are going to our friends wedding today. FIL and MIL will be at our house watching DS. I already had DH make it clear that we will feed DS before we leave for the wedding, so all they will need to do is give him a bottle before bed. Im thinking of hiding all the fruit pouches and baby food.  

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