January 2012 Moms

Baby B is most likely a...

BOY! I ended up having to go to the hospital yesterday because I was having some discomfort in my lower pelvic region. I went to my OB office and they thought it could be a urinary tract infection and wanted to to do an ultrasound as well as a urinealysis, but the ultrasound tech was out so they sent me to the hospital. After a very long wait the tech came and thankfully both babies were doing great! I asked her to make a guess on the sexes and Baby A was not cooperative, but Baby B was. She showed us what she called his "third leg". So at least one of the twins "might" be a BOY! We go back to the OB for our 16 week appointment in two weeks so maybe we can get a better answer then and find out what Baby A is.
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