Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I'm so tired! (long)

DH and I had the same old fight yesterday:  he says that I dig at him - make little comments that are of the nasty variety.  Ok, I admit that once I was a little nasty, but the rest of them I don't intend to or realize that I'm doing it.  Either that or he takes it differently than I meant it.  The problem is, he doesn't tell me that he takes my comments the way that he does until like 5 days later when it's all boiled over and he gets peeved at me for spilling cornstarch on the counter while I'm cooking.

I told him I thought it was hormones, but now I'm coming to realize that I'm just plain tired!  I discovered this when the dog woke me and the kid up by whining to go out and I yelled at him.  I find myself yelling at him, yelling at inanimate objects... the only one who doesn't get my wrath is DD.

She hasn't let me have a decent night sleep in months.  It's getting better, but I'm still only getting maybe 3 hours at  a time and the first hour is my mind running about what I have to do to get the house fixed since I'm handling all of that (long story short, our house was built on insufficient fill and it's causing all sorts of problems so add stressed to tired).  DH will get up with her at night IF he hears her or after I shake him for 2 minutes because I just can't do it anymore.  So in a week I will get up with her approximately 12-20 times not including the times I run up and down the stairs to get her before I go to bed, he gets her 1-2. CIO is not an option with this one and Ferber/Baby Whisperer has gotten up to 1-2 times from every 10minutes to an hour. Yes, I only work part time (she comes with me), but I also spend my days running after her, which he has discovered it exhausting right now since she is into everything!!

I just don't know what to do about this.  DH says he doesn't like the person I am right now.  Well, neither do I!  I don't like snapping but that's apparently how I react to exhaustion.  I know I could call a neighbor to watch her for an hour so I can sleep, but that's like putting a band-aid on a broken arm.

Any suggestions?  Thanks so much if you made it this far.

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