Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Personal...bedroom question...shhhhh....

Okay, I lurk here much more often then I post...and maybe it is the wine that has gotten to me this evening but I'm feeling a little brave, so I have to ask.  Let me preface my question by providing the following true life scenario...

DH and I are 30 somethings, first time parents of twins...he works a demanding job and I quit mine about four months ago (to stay home with the little ones).  We lost our first babe and with my high risk pregnancy we didn't have sex very much because we had a couple of scares during the pregnancy.  Then after delivery, I had the whole healing time and with BFing it was too painful when we did try.  Okay, fast forward to today.  Our LOs will be one before long...and I can seriously count on both hands (okay and maybe a few of toes) how many times we have had the...well...what got us into the whole baby thing in the first place. 

So my question is this...are we normal?  Are we doomed to break up?  I feel like we have to schedule sexy time, and by the time I or we do, well we are so exhausted it is no longer fun...more out of routine or a thought of it has been too long, we need to do this.  Any one else in my boat or are we lost at sea?  Excuse all of the puns, I'm kinda a cornball.


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