Babies: 9 - 12 Months

DS is an eating machine!

DS has always had a very big appetite. He practically inhales his food & I'm starting to worry that he doesn't know when he is full. I don't keep feeding him and feeding him & he doesn't look starved at all. He is 50th percentile for weight & height.

I just fed him one of those fruit pouches (3.5oz) I gave him about a third of a piece of bread in bit sized pieces. & i gave him some yogurt bites & puffs (about a handful) with a sippy of about 2oz of water which he didnt really drink, so i gave him a 6oz bottle of formula to wash it down. Is it weird that he still seems hungry? he's grabbing at the yogurt bites bag and kept trying to get more out of his bottle. & tell me if I fed him too much or too little in your opinion.  

flight photo flight_zpsa49d4a0f.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker TickerI'm a -retired- bronze super member Hi, I'm Dave's wife...
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