Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Weepers of the World Unite!

What's so "inappropriate" about crying as an emotional response to something? I cry at sad books, songs, movies, commercials, greeting cards, you name it. DH laughs at me when I get misty, but in a good-natured "I love my wife" kind of way. Others feel like crying is an overreaction and needs to be squelched once the tears start flowing. My ex before DH thought crying = manipulation.

Granted, some things are ridiculous to cry about (like the Seinfeld episode where the chick cried over dropping a hot dog) but we've all had THOSE days where something trivial just opened the flood-gates. Is it really a sign of weakness or a sign that we can give ourselves the good-old cathartic cleanse every once in awhile?

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