Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Follow up to "baby won't take formula"

I went to the Pedi today to have a weight check and she has lost 5 oz since her last appt 3 weeks ago.  He  said it is most likely from my drop in supply and her recent loss of interest in nursing.  The pedi is really concerned though, as am I.  Evelyn is now even further off the charts for weight and that is scary.  Other measurements look good.  This would be such an easy pick if she would just take the formula.  He gave me some Gerber Good Start gentle plus to try (we were trying Similac Go and Grow).  She wouldn't take the formula straight at all, I mixed 3 parts yogurt drink and 1 part formula and tried that, she drank a little.  This was all after I nursed her though so she may not have been wanting anything.

   The doctor is sending us to a feeding specialist to work on getting her to take the formula,  He attributes it to a behavoral issue that she is simply being stubborn because she doesn't like the taste.  He seems optimistic that the specialist will help.  He also suggested speaking to a LC about taking fenugreek to see if that helps.  I called her and she said do the more milk plus tea and pump 6 times a day for the next few days.  I hope all of this helps.  Thanks for all the good suggestions!

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