Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Does anyone else wish they ruled the world?

I kid, I kid.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely, as they say.  But there's so much stupid in the world (yes, I am referring specifically to the FF/RF debate that's been blowing up the boards lately, although there's always something).  Sometimes it makes me so sick to my stomach that I think what a wonderful dictator I would be.

Would anyone vote for Hecky for Dictator 2012?  I would run on a platform of common-sense meets following-general-health-and-safety-guidelines.

I would also like a team of advisors so that we can determine together where the lines of common sense and regulations/reccommendations intersect.  I nominate CG and Wife to head up this board of advisors, and I would like for the rest of you to nominate 4 additional Bumpies. 

Also, my board of advisors all has to come to work dressed as elves.  Because elves are productive.

And we will always have a balanced budget.  And skittles for poor people will abound.

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