January 2012 Moms

Look out FIL & Uhaul People!!! Crazy lady here!!! (Long & not really baby-related)

Wasted half my day with stupid Uhaul that SAID they had the truck in my town & it was available for me... well they want me to pick it up about an HOUR away. Anyone know what it is gonna cost in gas alone to drive an extra hour...? Truck-$400, gas will probably run about $200. So, I call & start out nice & play dumb by asking why the website still says they are available. response- "Well, *I* don't MAKE the website!" Geesh! So, I tried to find out if they could do more for me than allot more miles (so I wouldn't go over my limit & get charged). I wanted to speak with a supervisor... her response to that? "Well, I don't see WHY you would NEED to speak with him." Wow... nevermind lady! DH called a different lady & she 'graciously' gave us a $20 discount... that' helps' but that won't hardly cover the gas for my car to drive DH to pick up this monster truck... She WAS, however, MUCH kinder & I really appreciated that.

FIL can just stick it in his ear too... He's a controlling crazy man who firmly believes that my life with DH is his own personal business. It has caused him great inconvenience to not have all the details of our move this weekend. We have told him over about 6 weeks our exact move date (15x seriously & we are honestly not important enough for him to remember. For those wondering, he is NOT wondering because he wants to help us. This man is the same one who skipped DH's graduation & had also told DH that if he wanted his father at his wedding, he better change the date. So, no, I KNOW it is not to help us move in. His reasons for these? Saturday is his biggest moneymaking day. He is a SELF-EMPLOYED ice cream man... yet, he won't take one afternoon off for his son's graduation, or a single morning for the best day of his son's life...??? (Sidenote, he has taken a day off to save his precious Koi pond from dying. That is also a tender issue in my mind)

What are we going to do when baby comes & he wants to control that part of our lives...? 

I shall go take a nice shower to unwind & remind myself that soon all the moving will be done. Eventually I WILL give FIL a piece of my honest mind & I WILL blow him away when I do (I am usually very reserved around him). *sigh* 

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