Babies: 9 - 12 Months

DH vent.

DH and his parents are very close. DH has had health issues through most of his life, so its natural for them to be close, as well as they are just a tight knit family, which is awesome. My issue is that he is now 28, married, has a child with said married companion, yet he tells his parents things that he should be telling me, his WIFE (could i stress that anymore?).

Im not saying he should ONLY be telling me, but i should definitely be in the loop. It's things such as MRIs and surgeries that he might be getting. Important things about his well being that I should know about. I found out over dinner chat with his parents that he might need to get the most part of his parathyroid removed. They knew about it and they brought it up, I had heard nothing about it before then.

That is the most recent and one of the more serious cases of him telling his parents and not me. I feel like he doesn't understand that DS and I are his family now. We live in the same home and talk all the time, but he seems to forget that I'm not just a buddy or girlfriend, Im a WIFE. I should know these things as soon as he knows! I've already told him this many times.

ugh. vent over.

flight photo flight_zpsa49d4a0f.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker TickerI'm a -retired- bronze super member Hi, I'm Dave's wife...
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