Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Christmas--thinking ahead!

I'm a teacher, and my husband was in the military (now out and going to school). Needless to say--we don't have a lot of money. So this is about the time of year where I start slowly gathering christmas presents for others. I always plan to have my presents bought before Thanksgiving. That way I 1) don't have to deal with shopping--good lord I hate going in the stores in december; and 2) bececause I like to use my final paycheck before christmas (at the end of nov) for NOT presents.


So, LO will be 1 yr two days after christmas. My question to you ladies--what would you suggest for me to get him for his first christmas (and birthday)? Being an English teacher (and the coolest one EVER), I plan on giving a book for every christmas/birthday. But what kinds of toys or other things do you suggest? What do you think you might get your LOs (of have gotten other LOs in the past)?


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