Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Help! Baby will not take formula!

My supply has really tanked.  I'm not sure we'll be able to make it to the 12 month mark without supplementing a little.  I have about 60 oz in my stash and my husband and I will be gone for almost 4 days next weekend.  That will not be enough!  DD takes about 15-20 oz a day. How can I get her to take formula, what is your experience with this?  I tried a sippy, she took a sip, made a yuk face and threw the cup.  Tried a bottle, same thing, then she went digging in my shirt.  I am nervous about trying to mix the formula with BM because I can't afford to waste any milk.  I also tried to mix with her yobaby yogurt drink,  didn't work.  HELP!  Please!
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