Babies: 9 - 12 Months

MIL- these are always fun. Long-ish.

We're having a B-day BBQ for DS at my parents house. We plan on only having family and a few close friends over. My mom and I talked about all the plans and everything and DH was nodding and agreeing. My parents have the perfect party house- big backyard, Eichler open concept style, great for having more than 20 people over. & I thought that DH had talked to my in-laws about it because they talk every day. 

A couple days later: DH, DS and I all went up to ILs house. While DH and FIL were out golfing MIL and I started talking about the bday plans. I told her how we plan to have a fun casual BBQ at my parents house for DS and we went through the short outside-of-family guest list. After I rwent through the plans that we have, MIL says "o, well you can have the party here too, you know." and she went on for a little bit about how we could combine FIL and DS birthdays (FIL is the day after) & how people could hang out in this room and have a buffet in that room yadayada. 

Am I wrong for feeling like "WTF?" 

My ILs have hosted almost every big event during DSs first year. Thanksgiving was at their house, Christmas we spent at their house (and later went to my parents, we all live relatively close), Easter was there AND we were all coming back from Maui (lifes so hard, right?) on Mothers day. I saw my mom at 11pm that night for 10 minutes. I think my parents should get at least one thing. 

And i didn't even think about all the holidays and events my ILs got, until I mentioned to my mom that MIL said that we should have DSs party at her house. My mom is a really easy going lady, but she got peeved enough to point out all the things that she has been lenient about since DS was born.

flight photo flight_zpsa49d4a0f.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker TickerI'm a -retired- bronze super member Hi, I'm Dave's wife...
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