January 2012 Moms

Birth classes...anyone thought of this yet?

I just registered yesterday for Bradley birth classes, which start in 3 weeks.  I feel like it's kind of early, but I was doing some research and overall the consensus is to begin them around 5-6 months, depending on the type, length etc.  I'm hoping to go medication free, but the main reason I want to do the classes is to educate my husband and help prepare both of us on what to expect before, during and after labor.  He's never really been around kids, and I'm sure will not read any baby books, so I figure this is the best way :)

Has anyone else considered if they will do classes, and if so, what type you will go to?

4.22.11 = BFP!! EDD 1.3.12 Beta #1 on 4.22 - 99. Beta #2 on 4.25 - 371!! 1st appointment and ultrasound May 12 - hb 138bpm, 2nd u/s June 2 - hb 185, NT scan 6.23 - all looks great! hb 147. Anatomy scan 8.18 - we have a healthy baby BOY!!!! :) Mateo born 11.27.11 at 34w 5d due to very low amniotic fluid...we love our little man! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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